Sunday, December 19, 2010

I'm back, and I have cute animals!

I have internet again! Well, okay, I've had internet again for a couple weeks. The hubs and I recently bought our first house, and we're slowly getting moved in. more slow satellite internet! Hooray! I'll be back after Christmas with a post or two recapping what I've been up to since October, but for now, here are some farm animal cupcakes I made last night :) I've actually been wanting to try making farm animals for a long time now, so I was super happy when a friend ordered these! I hope she liked them ;)

So, what did old MacDonald have on his farm? Cows, of course...
And pigs...
And sheep! BAAAAA.
I love the little sheepies. I think they look like the guys from Wallace and Gromit :)
Here they are, living happily together until the time comes for them to be eaten, like any good farm animals. Except these ones are way yummier because they're made of chocolate and vanilla buttercream. Mmmmmmm.
But wait--MacDonald is raising turtles too! So I know turtles aren't exactly a farm animal, but I made these lil guys for a birthday a few weeks ago and they are four-legged critters, so I thought I may as well tack them on to this post. They were super simple, but I think they came out really cute!
The cuppies are vanilla with chocolate frosting, and the turtles are made from fondant with candy melt shells :)
I might pop back in quickly before Christmas, but I might not, so Merry Christmas! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday :)

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